Website Makeover

What is SSL and why do you need it?

An SSL certificate is a type of digital certificate that provides authentication for a website and enables an encrypted connection.

A website that has an SSL certificate ensures all website traffic between your web server and user’s browser is secure and cannot be read. When your website has an active SSL certificate the application protocol changes from HTTP to HTTPS.

What on earth does all that mean?

You will have noticed that some websites start with http while most now start with https and have the little padlock at the start of the browser bar.

The “s” on the end and the padlock, tell us that the site is secure.

The site can only show this if it has an SSL Certificate

Previously, only those websites that collected personal data, or were selling online, needed to have one to make sure that any information added to the website was encrypted and couldn’t be stolen.

Things are different now!

People are much more aware today about online security, and expect to see that any website they visit is safe.  If they do not see the padlock, they are cautious about using the website.

And companies like Google and Firefox are pretty serious about it too.

If you use Google Chrome to browse the internet, they will not immediately show a website that is not secure.  Instead they flash up a warning message to tell you the site you want to look at is “NOT SECURE” – it’s enough to send most people away!

Oh and by the way, Google also rewards those websites that do have SSL with better rankings in searches.  So if you don’t have one, you are going to find it rather tricky for anyone to find your website

Do you need an SSL Certificate even if you don’t collect any personal information or sell anything from your website?

Yes, if you want your website to be found on Google, and if you want people to actually be able to see it!

What if you don’t already have one?

The easiest way to get an SSL is to contact your Hosting provider and purchase one from them.  Most good hosting companies will offer them, and will help you to set it up on your website.

It is in their interests as they do not want unencrypted data reaching their servers.

If you need help, please do Get in Touch, and we can guide you

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